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Benchmarking GPU Acceleration for ZK-Snarks


Mohamed Amine Kthiri



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PlonK Deconstructed: 2 Arithmetization

In this post we cover PlonK arithmetization. Ultimately we would want to convert the program into a set of polynomials and arithmetization is one of the crucial steps to get there.


Benjamin Bencik

PlonK Deconstructed

Welcome to our blog series on zero-knowledgeproofs, with a spotlight on Plonk. If you've heard a thing or two about SNARKs, zero-knowledge, or Plonk and want to understand how it works, then you are in the right place.


Benjamin Bencik

A Brief Summary of Proof Aggregation

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, ensuring privacy and scalability while maintaining security remains a paramount challenge. Zero-knowledge succinct proofs (zk-SNARKs) have emerged as a powerful cryptographic tool to address these challenges, offering a way to prove the validity of transactions or computations without revealing sensitive information.


Tomas Krnak

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