ZERO KNOWLEDGE proof generation at scale now

Optimize your hardware for fast, distributed zero-knowledge proof generation.

Supported by

Hardware Optimization

Hardware Optimization

As hardware accelerates, we optimize it using state-of-the-art algorithms. Autotuning GPUs maximizes energy efficiency while maintaining performance for a variety of proof generation requirements.

Custom Firmware

Custom Firmware

Our custom firmware is easy to install on your existing device and unlocks its full potential for ZKP generation. Automatic firmware updates will keep it performing at its peak potential.

Distributed Proving

Distributed Proving

Opt-in to additional rewards for proof generation. Devices running our firmware can coordinate to tackle complex proving workloads for networks, proof marketplaces, and beyond.


Explore ZK-Rollups:

Explore the essentials of zero-knowledge rollups with our dashboard, offering insights on finality times and batch costs within the Ethereum ecosystem. Equip yourself with key data to navigate the ZK-rollup domain, whether you're an investor, developer, or enthusiast.


Read our insights on the cutting edge of ZK.

PlonK Deconstructed

Welcome to our blog series on zero-knowledgeproofs, with a spotlight on Plonk. If you've heard a thing or two about SNARKs, zero-knowledge, or Plonk and want to understand how it works, then you are in the right place.


Benjamin Bencik

Benchmarking GPU Acceleration for ZK-Snarks

In this article, we look into the effect hardware acceleration on ZK-Snarks by benchmarking Icicle a library that does GPU acceleration for ZK primitives.


Mohamed Amine Kthiri

A Brief Summary of Proof Aggregation

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, ensuring privacy and scalability while maintaining security remains a paramount challenge. Zero-knowledge succinct proofs (zk-SNARKs) have emerged as a powerful cryptographic tool to address these challenges, offering a way to prove the validity of transactions or computations without revealing sensitive information.


Tomas Krnak

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